Diamond High School is accepting applications for the position of Head Track Coach. This position will be responsbile for the growth and development of the track program including management of assistant coaches, development of athletes, and work with school athleteic department regarding budgets and schedules.
Possible teaching positions include High School Social Studies.
Applicant must meet the requirements of MSHSAA By-Law 3.1.5b
1. Completion of 60 or more college credit hours prior to coaching OR serving as a Provisional Assistant for THREE school years. 2. A Professional Teacher’s Certificate OR NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching Course (online) passed prior to second year of coaching. This course is not sport-specific. This is a one-time requirement.
3. Successful completion of a Sports First Aid course prior to second year of coaching and renewed every two years.
4. Successful completion of CPR/AED training prior to second year of coaching and renewed every two years.
Interested individuals should apply online on our website or contact Athletic Director Chris Kennedy (ckennedy@diamondwildcats.org) with additional questions.
Application can be found at: https://diamond.tedk12.com//hire/index.aspx
Position will be open until filled. |